Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Grand jury returns indictment against Brazilian evangelicals for smuggling money into U.S.

Pray for these Profits who are under "demonic attack." Of course, if they were obedient to the Word of God, God would not be turning them over to Satan to destroy them. I can imagine that they are already sending out an appeal to raise money for their attorneys (and/or dipping into the church funds) saying, "touch not thy anointed."

It angers me that some one in the name of the Lord will take from the poor. Some would think that I am over reacting; however, not very many people understand the crime that is alleged in the indictment. Essentially, what the Pastor in this story was doing by buying houses and etc. in the U.S. he was taking jobs away from poor workers in Brazil. The primary reason these countries are poor now is that their wealth has been taking from them and given to the wealthy countries of this world. Click below to get the details.
Grand jury returns indictment against Brazilian evangelicals for smuggling money into U.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.