"One Nation Under God?"
I just received in my e-mail one of those chain letters that floats around in Christian circles that talk about our "Christian Nation" and how America was founded on "Christian Principles" The interesting thing is that no one ever shows us in the Bible the principles that America is founded on. Any time I here the term "Christian Nation" I become enraged. I had to stop and examine myself to find out why. After prayer and thought, I realized that the cause of my rage was fear. I was afraid that we have Christian leaders that desire to take our country back to a time when they feel we were a more morally upright land.
The problem is, these Christian Leaders, unconsciously or consciously the want to go back to is a time when it was o.k. to rape, kill, and otherwise abuse African Americans. You may think I am being an extremist, but Bob Jones University a prominent Christian University, headed up by Bob Jones himself, did not allow interracial dating until they were sued for violating their student's civil rights. Calling this nation blessed and Christian erases a significant amount of our nations history and sets the stage, I fear, for the abuse of racial, religious, other types of minorities in this country.
If the truth were told, a fair study of our nation would show that our founding fathers set up a secular government. They had no intentions of promoting Christianity or any other religion. Further, most of the Founding Fathers were, at best, nominally Christian, and at worst atheist and deist. In addition, it is difficult to square a "Nation Founded on Christian principles" with a U.S. Constitution that made slavery the law of the land. For a better understanding of what the Founders were up to when they created our nation, go to http://www.libertymagazine.org/article/view/23
Friday, June 09, 2006
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