Sunday, July 09, 2006

Statue of Liberty, Holding Cross and Ten Commandments at World Overcomers Church

Please take time to read the New York Times article below. It is the most fair and balanced report about the new statue that World Overcomers Church that I have seen.

My thoughts on the statue is that it is a sacrilege. Statue is holding the Ten Commandments and violating the one about making graven images. The Statue of Liberty is so tied to America that many people will read the meaning behind the statue as being, "America forcing Christianity and 'The Dead Letter of the Law' on the world." This is a far cry from, "Whosoever wants to, let him come" that Christ would say. Also, after Christ came, wasn't the law written on our hearts?

I know that Pastor Williams means the statue to represent "Liberty in Christ" but the meaning of art is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think the kingdom of God is being served by the Statue.

New York Times Report:

To go to World Overcomers explanation ot the Satue of Liberty go here:

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Dark Side

I watched Frontline Wednesday night and they had a documentary about the decisions leading up to our invasion of Iraq. What struck me was how much power Dick Chaney has in the administration. He was credited with making the decision to shoot down any hijacked planes on 9/11. The problem I had with that was that should have been a decision made by the president. Further, Chaney was responsible for the collection of misinformation that led us into war, according to the documentary.

There needs to be an investigation of the Bush administration regarding how we got into this war. If you didn't see the documentary, you can click on the link below and watch for yourself.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Can Christians be Political?

I wrote the body of this post in response to an e-mail from someone about a series of sermons about whether or not a Christians can be involved in the political process. Here was my thoughts on the question.

You would think this would be an easy question to answer considering that we are called to be the Light to the World. Christians should be leading people to a more enlightened way of living based on Gods plan for the world, found in the Bible. The problems is the world "political." I looked it up in the dictionary and the word has negative connotations. Politics involves manipulating people, influencing people, using ones knowledge of how the system of government works to get the outcome that you desire. One problem preachers and other Christian Leaders have is that when you try to lead Christians to use their vote to promote "Christian Values" you run the risk of being perceived as a "Politician" and Americans have an innate mistrust of "politicians". Well we used to anyway. I think that Christians are losing influence in our culture because we are being perceived as just another special interest group seeking special privileges.

On the other hand, (I used to be an attorney and there is no such thing as a one handed attorney) since we are Americans, we are involved in the political system regardless of how we feel about it. Our founding fathers gave us the right to vote on our leaders and on particular laws. If we chose not to vote we have said to the government and the rest of the country, "whatever y'all want to do is fine with me!" On top of that Christians have played important roles in creating the nation we have today. From the abolitionist to the civil rights movement, Christians have been in the forefront of change in this country. We were also at the forefront of the temperance movement that resulted in Prohibition. Unfortunately, Probation was a huge mistake that we should learn from.

I guess the answer to the question is, yes we must. However, we cannot go about the business of politics like the people of the world do. We need to examine what Christ and the Apostles said about how we are to relate to the world and act accordingly. We need to examine and discuss among ourselves what Christian Values really are and allow for people to disagree as to what they are. However, those values must be found in or derived from the Bible, not people's opinions.

To tie things up, I recall when there was a dispute among the disciples about who was the greatest among them, Jesus answered them that when people in the world get power, they like to lord it over people. That was not to be the way among his followers, He said they the greatest among us was to be servants to the others. And if I recall correctly, the Greek word used for servant in the text can also be translated "slave." Maybe we should strive to be a little more lowly and humble when dealing with our fellow Americans in our "Culture War."

Friday, June 09, 2006

"One Nation Under God?"

I just received in my e-mail one of those chain letters that floats around in Christian circles that talk about our "Christian Nation" and how America was founded on "Christian Principles" The interesting thing is that no one ever shows us in the Bible the principles that America is founded on. Any time I here the term "Christian Nation" I become enraged. I had to stop and examine myself to find out why. After prayer and thought, I realized that the cause of my rage was fear. I was afraid that we have Christian leaders that desire to take our country back to a time when they feel we were a more morally upright land.

The problem is, these Christian Leaders, unconsciously or consciously the want to go back to is a time when it was o.k. to rape, kill, and otherwise abuse African Americans. You may think I am being an extremist, but Bob Jones University a prominent Christian University, headed up by Bob Jones himself, did not allow interracial dating until they were sued for violating their student's civil rights. Calling this nation blessed and Christian erases a significant amount of our nations history and sets the stage, I fear, for the abuse of racial, religious, other types of minorities in this country.

If the truth were told, a fair study of our nation would show that our founding fathers set up a secular government. They had no intentions of promoting Christianity or any other religion. Further, most of the Founding Fathers were, at best, nominally Christian, and at worst atheist and deist. In addition, it is difficult to square a "Nation Founded on Christian principles" with a U.S. Constitution that made slavery the law of the land. For a better understanding of what the Founders were up to when they created our nation, go to

Friday, May 19, 2006

I think that Pat Robertson's mind is going. God telling him that storms will hit the coast is like saying God told him the sun will rise tomorrow. God should hold back the storms this year just to prove him wrong. Check out link below.

Pat Robertson says God told him that storms will lash U.S. coastline this year